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recent update :
蛇年大吉!!Happy Lunar New Year!!
written on Sunday 10 February 2013 @ 19:32 ✈




Dear readers,

          We wish all a blessed Happy Lunar New Year. Today is the first day of the New Year; we believe everyone is busy visiting their relatives and friends home (and getting your red packets). In the coming year, we believe everyone has new hopes, new aspirations and new dreams. After working hard after so many months, Ngee Ann Chinese Drama Club has fortunately lived passed the end of the world and successfully completed two public performances. These are definitely impossible with the support of our unsung heroes, actors, actresses, crews, sound & light team, emcees months and months of hard work. This sentence is insufficient in showing our appreciation and gratitude towards all of you, but we still want to say a big THANK YOU to all of you. In the year 2013, Ngee Ann Chinese Drama Club has planned a variety of activities and trainings for all of you. We wish all a blessed new year, stay healthy and may everything go your way. Don’t forget about the upcoming exams, so try to avoid heaty and fried food. Work hard, JIAYOUS!!

Well Wishes,
Blog Adminstrator

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