欢迎来到中文戏剧社, 我们是一群热爱中文, 喜爱舞台的一群人。 中文串流在我们的血, 舞台侵蚀着我们的脑。 中文戏剧社使我们的一切。 加入我们,一起建造完美的舞台家庭吧! recent update :
written on Tuesday, 30 April 2013 @ 00:08 ✈
非常抱歉没在这礼拜里更新我们的博客文章,因为我们大家正忙着义安理工学院五十周年慈善表演的排练。义安终于五十岁了,听起来似呼有点老。当然不会啦,义安理工学院为大家安排了一系列的庆祝活动,一直从 4 月 25 日至 5 月 4 日。我们希望您有参于学校为你们安拍的一系列活动。噢,差点忘了, 现役少过 24 小时到义安理工学院五十周年慈善表演。所以赶紧购票哦。我们素质而成一场才艺表演聚集义安理工学院大部份的课外活动讲述义安五十年的岁月,肯定值得你的夜晚在这里度过。庆典那里可以少的了蛋糕呢??欢迎您在 5 月 3 日前往义安室内体育场见证切饼仪式,观赏一年一度由义安不同科系的学生带来的 Dance4Fun 表演。您也有机会获赠一台免费的 IPAD !!
祝福 博客网站管里人
We apologise for not updating our blog posts this past week as we were really busy with NP50 Charity Show rehearsals the past week. AND YES, Ngee Ann is finally turning 50 this year!! Yeah!! Sounds a little too old. Definitely not, when we have a vibrant line-up of activities since 25th April to 4th May. We hope you have participated in the series of activities lined up just for you. Oh, just about to forget, its just less than 24 hours to the NP50 Charity Show. Come on, grab your tickets and show your support for the community and for us. We have pieced together a variety show alongside with the various CCAs in Ngee Ann Polytechnic. It is definitely worth the price to spend your night here. So what's birthday without a cake?? Feel free to drop by sports complex this coming friday (3rd May) to witness the cutting of the NP50 birthday cake, the annual Dance4Fun performance and stand a chance to WIN AN IPAD!!
Simply submit your personal particulars and your best birthday wish for NP via this link below to stand a chance to WIN AN IPAD:
Well wishes, Blog Administrator
Picture: With Courtesy from Ngee Ann Polytechnic. We do not any of this picture featured in the blog post.
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