欢迎来到中文戏剧社, 我们是一群热爱中文, 喜爱舞台的一群人。 中文串流在我们的血, 舞台侵蚀着我们的脑。 中文戏剧社使我们的一切。 加入我们,一起建造完美的舞台家庭吧! recent update :
First Training for FRESHIES 新生第一次训练
written on Saturday, 4 May 2013 @ 01:32 ✈
HI to our freshies out there!! First of all, HAPPY BELATED LABOUR DAY to you and enjoy your weekend!! If you have came for the NP50 charity show, we hope you have enjoyed the entire performance brought to you by our very own NP CCAs. Hope you are still coping fine in these two weeks of school. Yes, Assignments are roping in, so make sure you guys manage your time well too. These few weeks, we saw so many events taking place in school so hope you guys are having a fun-filled time as well. Not to worry if you missed our welcome party last week, we have put together a video below to tell you what you can expect from us in times to come. This coming Monday, 6th May shall be our first official training for YOU. It will be at Block 73 #03-06 (above Munch) at 6.30 pm. Hope to see you there!! Well Wishes, Blog Adminstrator 亲爱的新生,你们好!! 首先,劳动节快乐。如果您有来观看义安五十周年庆慈善表演,我们希望您也度过一个美好的夜晚。希望你们在这两个星期还应付的来。是的,你们会逐渐接到测验和宿题的到来,所以一定要安排和掌握好时间。这几个星期以来,我们校园内也不停的在举行一系列庆祝义安五十周年的活动,希望带给您一个充实的校园生活。如您错过了我们上礼拜举行的新生欢迎会,我们也编译了个短片,告诉您在未来的日子里可以期待着些什么。来临的周一,五月六日将会是本社正式的排练。地点会是在大牌 73 #03-06 (Munch 楼上)6.30 时。我不见不善哦!! 祝福, 博客网站管理人
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